1 ♦ tax
♦ tax /tæks/A n. (fisc.)1 imposta, tassa (in ingl. non si fa la distinzione dell'ital. fra i due termini; cfr. però rate, def. 6, «tributo locale»); tributo; gravame: to pay one's taxes, pagare le tasse; income tax, imposta sul reddito; land tax, imposta fondiaria; value-added tax (abbr. VAT), imposta sul valore aggiunto (abbr. IVA); local taxes, tributi locali; indirect tax, imposta indiretta; back taxes, imposte arretrate; a new tax on petrol, una nuova imposta (o tassa) sulla benzina; (GB, polit.) windfall tax, imposta straordinaria sui profitti; to raise a tax, esigere un tributo; to collect taxes, riscuotere le imposte; to impose taxes, imporre tasse; after tax, al netto d'imposta; after-tax value, valore ( di un bene) dopo le imposte; before tax, al lordo delle imposte: DIALOGO → - Signing on with an agency- For the kind of work you're looking for, the standard rate is £10 an hour before tax, per il lavoro che cerca la retribuzione media è di £10 lordi all'ora; before-tax value, valore ( di un bene) prima delle imposte2 (solo al sing.) (fig.) carico; gravame; onere; dispendio (fig.); sforzo: a tax on sb.'s strength [energies], una cosa che richiede un dispendio di forze [d'energie] per q.; a tax on sb. 's patience, una cosa che mette a dura prova la pazienza di q.B a. attr.(fisc.) del fisco; fiscale; tributario; d'imposta; delle imposte (o delle tasse); DIALOGO → - Changing a hotel booking- I need written confirmation for tax purposes, ho bisogno della conferma per ragioni fiscali● tax abatement, riduzione d'imposta □ tax accountant = tax consultant ► sotto □ tax advantage, vantaggio fiscale □ tax allowance, detrazione fiscale; sgravio d'imposta □ tax amnesty, condono fiscale □ tax assessment, accertamento tributario; valutazione dell'imponibile □ ( USA) tax assessor = tax inspector ► sotto □ tax at source, imposta alla fonte □ tax audit, esame (o verifica) fiscale □ tax auditing, accertamento fiscale □ tax avoidance, elusione fiscale □ tax base, (base) imponibile □ tax bill, imposte da pagare; la cartella (fam.) □ (fam.) tax break, agevolazione fiscale □ tax burden, carico (o onere) fiscale □ (in GB) tax code, codice fiscale ( attribuito a tutti i contribuenti; serve al datore di lavoro, il ‘sostituto d'imposta’, per il calcolo delle detrazioni e delle ritenute d'acconto) □ tax coding notice, avviso di attribuzione del codice fiscale □ tax collection, esazione (o riscossione) delle imposte (o dei tributi) □ tax collector, esattore delle imposte □ tax consultant, consulente fiscale; fiscalista; tributarista □ tax-deductible, detraibile ai fini fiscali; deducibile □ tax deduction, detrazione d'imposta; detrazione fiscale □ (autom.) tax disc, bollo di circolazione □ (fam.) tax dodger, evasore (o elusore) fiscale □ (fam.) tax dodging, evasione (o elusione) fiscale □ tax equalization, perequazione fiscale □ tax equity, equità (o giustizia) fiscale □ tax evader, evasore fiscale □ tax evasion, evasione fiscale □ ( USA) tax-exempt = tax-free ► sotto □ tax exile (o expatriate), esule (o espatriato) per motivi fiscali □ tax facilities, agevolazioni fiscali □ tax farming, appalto dell'esazione delle imposte □ tax form, modulo delle imposte □ (leg.) tax fraud, frode fiscale □ tax-free, esentasse; esente da imposta □ ( banca) tax-free interest, interesse esente da imposta □ tax haven, rifugio (o paradiso) fiscale □ tax hike, aumento delle imposte; inasprimento fiscale □ tax holiday, periodo di esenzione fiscale temporanea ( a imprese nuove, ecc.) □ (econ., fin.) tax impact, impatto fiscale; incidenza di un'imposta □ tax incentive, incentivo fiscale □ tax inspector, ispettore del fisco (fam.: delle tasse) □ (leg.) tax law, diritto tributario □ tax levy, gettito di un'imposta; ( anche) cartella d'imposta □ tax loophole, scappatoia fiscale □ (in GB) tax number, codice fiscale □ (leg.) tax offence, reato fiscale □ tax office, ufficio (delle) imposte □ taxes on consumer goods, imposte di consumo □ (fin.) tax on dividend warrants, (imposta) cedolare □ tax on revenue from buildings, imposta sul reddito dei fabbricati □ taxes paid, imposte pagate; ( anche) onere tributario □ tax-paying group, gruppo di contribuenti □ (econ., fin.) tax-raiser, fautore di un aggravio della imposizione fiscale □ tax rate, aliquota fiscale (o d'imposta) □ (fin.) tax receipts, entrate fiscali; introiti fiscali □ tax records, documenti fiscali □ tax reform, riforma fiscale □ tax refund, rimborso fiscale □ tax regime, regime fiscale □ tax register, anagrafe tributaria □ tax relief, sgravio fiscale; esenzione fiscale □ tax return, denuncia delle imposte (fam.: delle tasse); dichiarazione dei redditi □ tax return form, modulo della dichiarazione dei redditi; (fam., in Italia) Unico ( già il 740) □ (fin.) tax revenue, gettito fiscale (o di un'imposta) □ (econ., fin.) tax wedge, cuneo fiscale □ tax revolt, rivolta contro il fisco; obiezione fiscale □ tax roll, ruolo delle imposte (o dei contribuenti) □ (in GB) tax schedule, categoria d'imposta ( ce ne sono solo 6, indicate con lettere dalla A alla F) □ (fin.) tax shelter (o shield), riparo fiscale; fattore di riduzione delle imposte sui profitti correnti □ (econ., fin.) tax shifting, traslazione d'imposta □ tax table, tabella delle aliquote d'imposta □ tax threshold, soglia tributaria; livello minimo di tassabilità □ (autom.) tax token = tax disc ► sopra □ tax treatment, regime fiscale (o tributario) □ (fam. USA) tax write-off, voce ( del reddito) deducibile □ tax year, anno fiscale; ( contabilità di stato) anno finanziario □ tax yield, gettito fiscale (o di un'imposta).(to) tax /tæks/v. t. (fisc.)1 tassare; decretare imposte su (qc.); imporre tributi a (q.); gravare con tributi: to tax luxury goods, tassare gli articoli di lusso; to tax the rich heavily, imporre pesanti tributi ai ricchi2 affaticare; gravare; sforzare; mettere a dura prova: That job taxed his strength, quel lavoro lo ha affaticato molto; to tax sb. 's patience, mettere a dura prova la pazienza di q. -
2 tax
tax [tæks]1 noun∎ to levy or to collect taxes lever ou percevoir des impôts;∎ most of my income goes in tax la plus grande partie de mes revenus va aux impôts;∎ I don't pay much tax je ne paie pas beaucoup d'impôts;∎ I paid over $5,000 in tax j'ai payé plus de 5000 dollars d'impôts;∎ to be liable to tax être assujetti à l'impôt;∎ after tax net, après impôt;∎ before tax avant impôt(b) (on goods, services, imports) taxe f;∎ to levy or to put a 10 percent tax on sth frapper qch d'une taxe de 10 pour cent, imposer ou taxer qch à 10 pour cent;∎ there is a high tax on whisky le whisky est fortement taxé;∎ baby food is free of tax les aliments pour bébés sont exempts ou exonérés de taxe;∎ a tax on books/knowledge une taxe sur les livres/le savoir;∎ to be liable to tax être assujetti à l'impôt;∎ before tax hors taxe;∎ exclusive of tax hors taxe∎ it was a tax on his strength/nerves ça l'a beaucoup éprouvé (physiquement)/(psychologiquement)∎ the rich will be more heavily taxed les riches seront plus lourdement imposés ou payeront plus d'impôts;∎ luxury goods are taxed at 28 percent les articles de luxe sont taxés à 28 pour cent ou font l'objet d'une taxe de 28 pour cent;∎ we're being taxed out of existence on nous accable d'impôts∎ to tax one's car acheter la vignette (automobile)∎ to tax sb with sth accuser ou taxer qn de qch;∎ to tax sb with doing sth accuser qn d'avoir fait qch►► tax adjustment redressement m fiscal ou d'impôt;tax allowance abattement m fiscal, déduction f fiscale;tax assessment avis m d'imposition, fixation f de l'impôt;tax audit vérification f fiscale;tax authorities administration f fiscale;tax avoidance optimisation f ou évasion f fiscale, French Canadian évitement m fiscal;tax band tranche f d'imposition;tax base assiette f fiscale;tax benefit avantage m fiscal;tax bite proportion f du revenu pris par l'impôt;tax bracket tranche f d'imposition, fourchette f d'imposition;tax break réduction f d'impôt, allègement m fiscal;tax burden pression f fiscale, poids m de la fiscalité;tax ceiling plafond m fiscal, plafond m de l'impôt;tax centre centre m des impôts, CDI m;tax clearance quitus m fiscal;tax code barème m fiscal;tax collection recouvrement m d'impôts, perception f d'impôts;tax collector percepteur m d'impôt, receveur m des contributions;tax consultant conseiller(ère) m,f fiscal(e), conseil m fiscal;tax credit aide f fiscale, avoir m fiscal;tax cut baisse f ou réduction f des impôts;tax deduction prélèvement m fiscal, déduction f fiscale;tax deduction at source perception f à la source;British tax disc vignette f (automobile);American tax dollars argent m du contribuable;tax domicile foyer m ou domicile m fiscal;tax evasion fraude f fiscale, évasion f fiscale;tax exemption exonération f d'impôt, exemption f d'impôt;tax exile = personne qui réside à l'étranger pour minimiser la responsabilité fiscale;tax expert fiscaliste mf;tax form feuille f ou déclaration f d'impôts;tax fraud fraude f fiscale;tax harmonization harmonisation f fiscale;tax haven paradis m fiscal;tax holiday période f de grâce (accordée pour le paiement des impôts);tax impact incidence f fiscale;tax incentive incitation f fiscale, avantage m fiscal;tax inspection contrôle m fiscal;tax inspector inspecteur(trice) m,f des contributions directes ou des impôts;tax law droit m fiscal;tax liability (of person) assujetissement m à l'impôt; (of goods, product) exigibilité f de l'impôt;tax loophole échappatoire f fiscale;tax loss déficit m fiscal reportable;tax office centre m des impôts;tax official agent m du fisc;tax privilege privilège m fiscal;tax rate taux m d'imposition;tax rebate dégrèvement m fiscal;tax reduction abattement m fiscal;tax relief (UNCOUNT) dégrèvement m fiscal;∎ to get tax relief on sth obtenir un dégrèvement ou allégement fiscal sur qch;tax return déclaration f de revenu, feuille f d'impôt;tax revenue recettes fpl ou rentrées fpl fiscales;tax roll rôle m d'impôt ou des contributions;tax shelter avantage m fiscal;tax shield protection f fiscale;tax system régime m fiscal ou d'imposition;tax threshold minimum m imposable, seuil m d'imposition;∎ the government has raised tax thresholds in line with inflation le gouvernement a relevé les tranches de l'impôt pour tenir compte de l'inflation;tax year année f fiscale, année f d'imposition (qui commence en avril en Grande-Bretagne) -
3 tax
tax [tæks]1. noun• before/after tax avant/après l'impôt• how much tax do you pay? combien d'impôts payez-vous ?a. [+ goods] taxer ; [+ income, person] imposer ; [+ patience] mettre à l'épreuve ; [+ strength] éprouverb. ( = accuse) to tax sb with (doing) sth accuser qn de (faire) qch3. adjective[system, incentive] fiscal4. compounds• for tax purposes pour des raisons fiscales ► tax return noun (feuille f de) déclaration f de revenus* * *[tæks] 1. 2.transitive verb1) imposer [earnings, person]; taxer [luxury goods]2) Automobile3) ( strain) mettre [quelque chose] à l'épreuve [patience] -
4 tax
A n gen taxe f (on sur) ; ( on individual) impôt m ; sales tax taxe à l'achat ; to collect/levy a tax percevoir un impôt ; to increase ou raise taxes augmenter les impôts ; to cut taxes diminuer les impôts ; before tax brut ; after tax après déduction des impôts ; tax is deducted at source les impôts sont retenus à la source ; to pay tax, be liable for tax être imposable ; to pay £1,000 in tax verser 1 000 livres sterling d'impôts ; to pay a substantial sum in tax verser une grosse somme au fisc ; to pay tax on one's earnings être imposé sur ce qu'on gagne.B vtr1 taxer [profits, earnings] ; imposer [person] ; to be taxed at a rate of 18% [person] être imposé au taux de 18% ; [sum, income, profit] être taxé à 18% ; luxury goods are heavily taxed les articles de luxe sont lourdement taxés ; to be taxed at a higher/lower rate être soumis à un taux d'imposition plus élevé/moins élevé ;2 Aut to tax a vehicle payer la vignette (de l'impôt sur les automobiles) ; the car is taxed till November la vignette est valable jusqu'en novembre ;3 fig (strain, stretch) mettre [qch] à l'épreuve [patience, goodwill, wits] ; this will tax your wits! ceci mettra tes méninges à l'épreuve!■ tax with:▶ tax [sb] with accuser qn de [misdeed]. -
5 tax
tax [tæks]1. n1) (госуда́рственный) нало́г; по́шлина; сбор;direct (indirect) taxes прямы́е (ко́свенные) нало́ги
;single tax еди́ный земе́льный нало́г
;to levy a tax on smb., smth. облага́ть кого́-л., что-л. нало́гом
;heavy tax большо́й, обремени́тельный нало́г
;nuisance tax амер. небольшо́й нало́г, выпла́чиваемый по частя́м
2) напряже́ние, бре́мя, испыта́ние;it is a great tax on my time э́то тре́бует от меня́ сли́шком мно́го вре́мени
2. v1) облага́ть нало́гом; такси́ровать2) чрезме́рно напряга́ть, подверга́ть испыта́нию; утомля́ть;the work taxes my powers э́та рабо́та сли́шком тяжела́ для меня́
;I cannot tax my memory не могу́ вспо́мнить
;to tax smb.'s patience испы́тывать чьё-л. терпе́ние
3) амер. разг. спра́шивать, назнача́ть це́ну;what will you tax me? ско́лько э́то бу́дет (мне) сто́ить?
4) де́лать вы́говор, отчи́тывать (кого-л.); обвиня́ть, осужда́ть (with)5) юр. такси́ровать ( в судебных издержках) -
6 tax databank
tax databank POL, TAX Steuerdatenbank f (central electronic databank of taxpayer information which will contain all relevant information necessary for calculating income tax; this includes data on sex, spouses, children, religion, as well as tax brackets and exemptions)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > tax databank
7 tax freedom day
tax freedom day GEN, MEDIA, TAX Tag m der Steuerfreiheit, Steuerzahler-Gedenktag m, Steuerzahlertag m (the day that the average taxpayer has earned enough money – in theory – to pay off his or her total tax obligations for the year, a useful indicator for gauging the impact of taxes; der rechnerisch erste Tag des Jahres, an welchem ein durchschnittlicher Steuerzahler nach Erfüllung aller steuerlichen Pflichten des Jahres erstmals in die eigene Tasche wirtschaftet und er sein Einkommen nach eigenem Gutdünken konsumieren, investieren oder sparen kann; Berechnung durch Umlage der Steuerbelastungsquote –tax burden ratio = Summe aus Steuern und Abgaben im Verhältnis zum Volkseinkommen– auf die Kalendertage eines Jahres; im Jahr 2000 bedeutete die so errechnete Steuerbelastungsquote von 56,3 Prozent 206 Tage Arbeit ausschließlich für den Fiskus; Steuerzahlertage waren z. B. in Deutschland: 1.6.1960, 26.7.2000, 13.07.2007, 8.7.2008, in den USA: 23.4.2008)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > tax freedom day
8 tax on financial operations
tax on financial operations BANK, POL, STOCK, TAX Finanztransaktionssteuer f (a simple quantitative approach = Mengenansatz: spezifische Bankenabgabe auf das Volumen der Finanztransaktionen ähnlich der Tobin-Steuer auf Devisentransaktionen; kein Beitrag zum verlautbarten G20-Ziel der Systemstabilisierung, da sie falsch gesetzte Anreize zum Aufbau systemischer Risiken im Finanzbereich nicht korrigieren kann; als ‚Krisenkosten-Finanzierung’ ist die neue Steuer fiskalisch besonders attraktiv: Wegen ihrer Popularität ist relativ geringer Steuerwiderstand = low resistance to taxation zu erwarten, aufkommensstark bei geringen Erhebungskosten = low collection cost; cf Tobin-Steuer; anders, aber systemstabilisierend: Pigou-Steuer = Pigouvian tax auf Systemrisiken zur –annähernden– Internalisierung der extern –beim Staat bzw. Steuerzahler– anfallenden Kosten; cf Pigouvian tax = Pigou-Steuer, moral hazard = moralisches Risiko)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > tax on financial operations
9 tax-paying
tax-paying: reduction of tax-paying ability снижение способности платить налоги tax-paying: reduction of tax-paying ability снижение способности платить налоги -
10 tax with
11 tax
- tax
- nналог; сбор; пошлина
- land tax
- real estate tax
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
12 tax allowance
13 tax-exempt
adj inv steuerfrei▪ \tax-exempted steuerbefreit* * *tax-exempt adj US steuerfrei* * *adj.steuerfrei adj. -
14 tax refund
15 tax anticipation bill
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > tax anticipation bill
16 tax credit certificate
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > tax credit certificate
17 tax on financial transactions
tax on financial transactions BANK, POL, STOCK, TAX Finanztransaktionssteuer f (a simple quantitative approach = Mengenansatz: spezifische Bankenabgabe auf das Volumen der Finanztransaktionen ähnlich der Tobin-Steuer auf Devisentransaktionen; kein Beitrag zum verlautbarten G20-Ziel der Systemstabilisierung, da sie falsch gesetzte Anreize zum Aufbau systemischer Risiken im Finanzbereich nicht korrigieren kann; als ‚Krisenkosten-Finanzierung’ ist die neue Steuer fiskalisch besonders attraktiv: wegen Popularität relativ geringer Steuerwiderstand = low resistance to taxation zu erwarten, sie ist aufkommensstark bei geringen Erhebungskosten = low collection cost; cf Tobin-Steuer; anders, aber systemstabilisierend: Pigou-Steuer auf Systemrisiken zur –annähernden– Internalisierung der extern –beim Staat bzw. Steuerzahler– anfallenden Kosten; cf Pigouvian tax = Pigou-Steuer, moral hazard = moralisches Risiko)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > tax on financial transactions
18 tax secrecy
tax secrecy TAX Steuergeheimnis n (confidentiality in all tax matters; Verpflichtung aller Amtsträger und der mit Steuersachen befassten Sachverständigen zur Wahrung der Verschwiegenheit = secrecy)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > tax secrecy
19 tax
tax, an onomatopee, expressing the sound of blows, Engl. whack:tax tax tergo meo erit: non curo,
my back will get whack, whack, Plaut. Pers. 2, 3, 12 (Ritschl reads tuxtax). -
20 tax purposes
tax purposes npl to declare a sum for tax purposes déclarer une somme au fisc ; his income for tax purposes is £20,000 son revenu imposable est de 20 000 livres sterling.
См. также в других словарях:
Tax avoidance and tax evasion — Tax avoidance is the legal utilization of the tax regime to one s own advantage, in order to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means that are within the law. By contrast tax evasion is the general term for efforts to not pay taxes by… … Wikipedia
Tax system in China — Taxes provide the most important revenue source for the Government of the People s Republic of China. As the most important source of fiscal revenue, tax is a key economic player of macro economic regulation, and greatly affects China s economic… … Wikipedia
tax — 1 vt [Medieval Latin taxare to assess for taxation, tax, from Latin, to assess, value, fix] 1: to assess or determine judicially the amount of (costs of an action in court) 2: to levy a tax on tax the corporation tax capital gains tax·er n tax 2 … Law dictionary
Tax Freedom Day — is the first day of the year in which a nation as a whole has theoretically earned enough income to fund its annual tax burden. It is annually calculated in the United States by the Tax Foundation mdash;a Washington, D.C. based tax research… … Wikipedia
Tax forms in the United States — are used by taxpayers and tax exempt organizations to report financial information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They are used to report income and calculate taxes owed to the government of the United States. TOC Federal tax forms 990… … Wikipedia
Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 — Effective (Various dates for different provisions) Citations Public Law Public Law 111 312 Stat … Wikipedia
Tax-free shopping — refers to the opportunity for customers to purchase goods or services without paying any tax normally collected at retail, such as sales tax, Goods and Services Tax, value added tax, or consumption tax.Tax free shopping in the United StatesTax… … Wikipedia
Tax compliance solutions — Tax compliance solution is a generic term used to describe the available softwares to perform tax compliance for income tax, corporate tax, VAT, service tax, customs, sales tax, use tax, etc. The solution automatically calculates your complete… … Wikipedia
Tax shelter — Tax shelters are any method of reducing taxable income resulting in a reduction of the payments to tax collecting entities, including state and federal governments. The methodology can vary depending on local and international tax laws.In North… … Wikipedia
Tax return (United States) — Tax returns in the United States are reports filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or with the state or local tax collection agency (California Franchise Tax Board, for example) containing information used to calculate income tax or other … Wikipedia
Tax revenue — is the income that is gained by governments because of taxation of the people.Just as there are different types of tax, the form in which tax revenue is collected also differs; furthermore, the agency that collects the tax may not be part of… … Wikipedia